Sat Nam Kriya
Are you interested in preventing and curing cancer, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, and many other common diseases using an inexpensive, natural indian spice called turmeric?
Take a two teaspoon fulls of turmeric powder mixed with warm soy milk (or any kind of non-diary milk that you'd like). Also eat 2 or 3 black peppercorns along with it, as the pepper helps your body absorb the turmeric better. You also need fat for the turmeric to be absorbed properly, which is why drinking turmeric mixed in water won't work. You have to drink it with milk or some fatty based liquid.
Lastly, please read the following two ancient indian scriptures which talk about the divine love of God:
Ananda Vrindavan Campu PDF
Govinda Lilamrta PDF
1 comment:
Are you interested in attaining enlightenment and personal growth?
Try doing the following two yoga exercises daily:
Sodarshan Kriya
Sat Nam Kriya
Are you interested in preventing and curing cancer, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, and many other common diseases using an inexpensive, natural indian spice called turmeric?
Take a two teaspoon fulls of turmeric powder mixed with warm soy milk (or any kind of non-diary milk that you'd like). Also eat 2 or 3 black peppercorns along with it, as the pepper helps your body absorb the turmeric better. You also need fat for the turmeric to be absorbed properly, which is why drinking turmeric mixed in water won't work. You have to drink it with milk or some fatty based liquid.
Lastly, please read the following two ancient indian scriptures which talk about the divine love of God:
Ananda Vrindavan Campu PDF
Govinda Lilamrta PDF
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